Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Parasite! Parasite! Parasite!

So i have another parasite, YAY! And yes, it is infact my second one in my nearly 11 months here in Nicaragua. The good news is that my parasites are realtively common ones that you could also contract in the states..so not so terrible, right. The funny part is that I currently have a parasite that Cal Fro and I got to deal with at the pool a few summers ago. The bad part is that parasites make you poo alot. The nasty part is that I probably got this parasite by eating something contaminated with feces. GROSS! So i´ve been trying to be really good about only drinking purfied or boiled water and I´ve sworn myself off of fritanga. :( So sad. I love fritanga, which is the food your can buy on the street and is bascially an assortment of deliciously fried, Nica food. I love tajadads (thinly sliced and fried plantains with salad, vinager and chile) and I´m kind of sad thinking about never eating them again. Maybe once my parasite is all gone I´ll try getting some again. Maybe.

Its been a 4 day weekend due to the 31st aniversary of the revolution popular of the sandinistas. Yesterday, EVERYONE and i pretty much mean EVERYONE in my site went to Managua for this big rally thing. I didn´t go and instead went hiking and swimming, but when all the buses were returning from Managua there was a huge crazy party in my central park complete with real fireworks. Pretty exciting. Another exciting part was that I was eating quesillo with some friends in the most famous quesillo restaruant in all of Nicaragua, that happens to be in my town and every single bus full of people was stopping and buying quesillo. Thats a lot of sandinistas and a lot of quesillo. But I have to admit, I love that my town so well know in all of Nicaragua..it makes my life pretty easy.

Otherwise, its back to teaching and gardens at school. I´m starting to get a bit annoyed because I make plans with teachers to work in their gardens and then when I show up there is always some excuse about why we can´t work on them. Sometimes the students don´t bring their tools, sometimes school gets our early, or once I showed up at 10am just like my teacher told me too and she looked at me and said, oh we were waiting for you earlier. What? You told me 10am, I´m going to come at 10am becuase sadly I can´t just read your mind and realize that 10am actually means 7am. Oh, well. Hopefully, this week things will go smoother because its just so frustrating! But I guess this is all part of working in devlopment and you just have to go with the flow. Just sometimes I wish development work wasn´t so freaking slow. And i´m also wishing (well more like hoping) that my gardens actually grow.

So, thats life right now. I´ve been loving the weather the past few days, cool and rainy. Not sweating is making my life heaven. Oh, last week I had a sweat moustache..which is really nasty. So it makes me even more happy about this bought of coolness. It also makes me realize how Nica I am. I´m freezing at night and its probably still in the 80s.

I´m going to freeze to death when I go back to Ohio.

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