Thursday, September 3, 2009

The Trip to Nica!!

What an adventure the past few days have been!

Tuesday : Staging for Peace Corps in Washington DC. It was super awesome to finally meet my entire training class! Basically we went over the basics of PC...mission, rules, and our fears and such. AMAZING! :)

2am Wednesday: We left for the airport..only to arrive and discover that the airport was actually closed...hahah. Soooo..we sat outside of our check-in area until 3:30am when the check-in lady checked us and we got to stand in a multitude of lines, including bag check-in, the bag security line, the actual security line, and the breakfast food line all at 5am! Yay. The flight to Miami left at 6am..and I'm pretty sure the flight NEVER happened because I slept through the entire thing.

Our arrival in Miami welcomed us with the fantastic prospect of a 3 hour delay. Which then turned into a 5 hour delay. Which was amazing...nothing is more fun then hanging out it the airport...we did go to bahamas though! :) Finally we left Miami around 3pm...putting us into Managua about the same time!

Arrival in Managua was super exciting! I paid my $5 entrance fee and the was greeted by some PC staff and then volunteers. After standing around for a while waiting for our luggage, we went on to discover that infact our luggage was in Hati. Excellent.

Thursday: Today was our first official day in Nicaragua. This morning we were lucky enough to meet the Peace Corps Director [Aaron Williams] and hear him speak about his vision for the Peace Corps. It made me so excited to be a PC trainee. The rest of the day was full of medical interviews & vaccines, language intervies, and information sessions.

Tomorrow I'll move in with my host family. Excited and nervous!

Nicaragua is beautiful. Everyone in my training class is amazing. Loving PC so far!


  1. Just wanted to comment here to let you know we're reading this! =) Sooo excited for you, Elyse!


  2. Sounds exciting! :-D Just saying hi as well. Hope it's awesome there.

    Ben Jamin'
