Monday, February 1, 2010

The Little Things

So everyone always say that its the little things in life that are important. And since I´ve been in Nicaragua...I´ve really noticied how true that is! Just the littlest things here can make me happy! For example:

1) Getting a seat on the bus-Its an absolute pain to have to stand on the bus because people are ALWAYS moving around and your getting stepped on and accidentally stepping on others. However, once you have a seat here you are set for the i practically have a mini celebration when i finally get a seat (or get on the bus and its empty and i just automatically have a seat!

2) Being able to buy ice- Currently i´m in an absolute obsession with making sun tea. This is for two reasons, one...its good for the environment (solar power!) and so its like doing part of my job for PC (haha) and two..i currently don´t have a stove and i really like tea!! So go SUN TEA! And the fact i can buy ice for 1 cord from my neighbor makes me exceedingly happy because then i can have iced tea! YAY!

3) Having water when i want to take a shower- This one is pretty self explainitory...its really sad when you want to take a shower or wash laundry or just do anything involving water and its not on.

4) Having new clothes to wear- i would be excited to get new clothes in the states. But for Christmas, my mom sent me an amazing package with some new clothes. I´ve been wearing the same thing for littely 5 months and having new clothes still excited me EVERY morning when i wake up! I´m like yay! I new outfit to wear!!!!

5) Walking by a group of men and not having them yell at me- This is the best one...I practially want to hug all of them when this happens!!! those are a few examples. I thought of some more tbe other day, but i forgot them! Oh well!!

Anyway, its been 2 months down in site and 5 months since I´ve arrived in Nicaragua! So EXCITING!!! I think its also been 2 months since i last wrote a blog post! Oh, well!!! Atleast i´m writing now!

Things in site are going pretty good! I´m really in love with my site now and couldn´t imagine living anywhere else for the next two years! I love my host family here in the LPC and would have lived with them for 2 years except they have dogs and I was sicky sick! So instead I now have a rockin house with 2 rooms and a bathroom and a patio with trees! It makes me happy and its super cute! Currently I have NOTHING in my house..but pretty soon I hope to get some stuff in it! YAY!

Otherwise, school starts tomorrow!!! WOO!!! So exciting to start working, get to know my teachers and meet my kids! Its going to be fun and busy..but I can´t wait. I´m also looking at forming a girls youth group..either based around girl scouts..or actually working with the muchachas guìas de Nicaragua to actually form a troop! Plus, i´m helping out with the environmental commision in my community and hopefully will have some decent projects starting with that! Bascially, the work is starting, i´m loving it, and the next few months are bound to fly by! writing this post wasn´t to horrible..or take to much time! It actually was kind of fun! I´ll try to post again soon because I have SO MANY CRAZY STORIES to tell.

So stay tuned for:
1) Elyse falls of her bike
2) Elyse´s trip to the Nicaraguan Centro de Salud
3) La Purisima (aka..Trick or treating for Mary)
4) Christmas in Nicaragua (or....How to drink beer out of a bag)
5) La Bruja (aka..the lady who sold us food at 3am)
6) Why you should never go to the beach with a Nica
7) And Elyse´s bad luck after breaking a mirror!

Yes..i will one day (soon) write these stories for you reading enjoyment..I promise!!!

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