So I´ve reached the part in servive..i like to call "casi un año". As in whenever some one asks me how long I´ve been living in Nicaragua I can actually respond..."casi un año". And in this new whole..I´ve almost been in Nicaragua for a year kind of thing..I´ve decided to try blogging again. Mostly incase there really is someone who wants to hear about my life in Nicaragua! Or maybe because i feel like wasting sometime in the cyber. ¿Quién sabe?
Anyway, its the rainy season and they are not kidding about the rainy season. Even here in the dry, dry, volcanic land of León it rains almost everyday. I totally thought it would be fantstic and it mostly is (love not having to use a fan..well mostly becuase my fan is broken). But doing laundry is a pain as my clothes taking freaking forever to dry. I´ve started just kind of putting on kind of wet clothes if my drying laundry is an outfit I want to wear. At least its clean. And life stops when it rains (as does my electricity sometimes), which is fantastic for my reading skills, but not so much if i want the ice cream man to pass by. Or to have class at school.
This week is the last week of the semester at school btw, which means we get to celebrate día de los maestros, party, and in the case of one of my schools...go to the zoo. Yes. the zoo. Not sure if i´m going with them...but we´ll see. Otherwise, next week is semester break and then back to normal school life. I hope. This past month has been crazy in the schools with the rain, all the holidays, and me being sick. I have a couple of gardens going..but I´m afraid nothing will grow since I seem to be lacking the green thumb that I should have to be a successful volunteer. My self and another volunteer were joking that I should continue in service unitl I finally plant a successful garden. (or just get a plant to grow!) Haha..that might be years!
Otherwise, I had some horrible virus thing 2 weeks ago combined with a bacterial infection and it was like death. I´m trying to be careful of my fritanga (food sold on the street), but its so freakin tasty. Today as I was eating my tajadas and fried cheese all I could think was please dear street food don´t have a parasite in you. We´ll see in a week if it did or didn´t. :) Just hoping I don´t get dengue as there is a pretty major outbreak in my town supposebly..the MINSA people informed me their have been 100 cases in La Paz. This was of course after they told me I had mosquito larve in my toilet. Yup. My toilet. (of my new incredibley awesome house)
Oh, Nicaragua. Never a boring day!