I'll definately write more later, i promise calli fronk. But i'm waiting in the PC office so I figured I would just write a little now!
Life here is all kinds of wonderful and extremely busy. School has been going strong for about 2 months and the weeks seem to be flying by because of it. The way my school schedule fell I am teaching pretty much all day (morning and afternoon) at different schools three days a week with the opportunity to do work the rest of the week on other projects in my community or at my schools. I started teaching last week and so far have given extremely exciting charlas about the digestive system, circulatory system, nervious system and why you should donate blood. Oh, fun times. Most of my classes and students are really amazing but at one of my schools the 4th grade class is really misbehaved. However, I'm hoping that as long as the teacher is in the room and we can work together to set some good rules and use differnet management techniques things will be better.
I've also started working with Muchachas Guias de Nicaragua, which is part of the World Girl Scout movement. I gave a charla last week in Chinadega and attended a culture day which was amazing. Then I've had my first meetings with my group in LPC and things are looking great! The girls were really into playing games and singing songs, as well as had plenty of great ideas about the activities they want to do! So hopefully things will turn out great and I'll be able to create more groups in my town, find nica counterparts and then make this a sustainable, fun, and exiciting project in my town!
Finally, i started a garden in my house and nothing grew. I was super sad. :( The plan is to restart my garden and get it growing soon...I really want a garden and to do gardening projects with my neighbors! I will have an amazing garden!